Web Content Writing Tips: Types of Writer’s Block

Imagine the scenario: You are in an upbeat mood and brimming with ideas. You sit down at your desk with enthusiasm to create a nice piece of web content. But strangely, you cannot give shape to your thoughts or ideas through words. Meanwhile, the tireless clock ticks away at its own pace. Even after spending a couple of hours staring into the blank Microsoft word sheet nothing seems to materialize in a concrete manner. You leave your desk for a breath of fresh air. As you come back some moments later you realize that the same blank feeling has returned riding piggyback on you. You throw up your arms in exasperation. Sounds familiar? This is one of the many forms in which the inconspicuous “writer’s block” raises its ugly head. Read on to know more about the various kinds of writer’s block.


15 Web Content Writing Cliché that are Actually Helpful ­­

Writers often try very hard to do away with clichés of all sorts. Clichés are overused. They are boring. Yet there are certain times when you realize that a cliché is the most effective thing that will come in like a lifesaver when you are writing content for the web. This list is going to be very helpful; you might want to trust us blindly when we say so. Take a print out of this list and paste it near your workstation. Use it generously. Whenever you are stuck, take long looks into your wall where this is pasted.