Ubuntu Content Writing

The title of this article can be extremely confusing. Ubuntu? The name definitely sounds familiar. The nerd brigade goes brouhaha about that Linux free software.h But wat has it got…

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Hitting the Bull’s Eye with Persuasive Content Writing

By Coffeegraphy

As a web content writer, what do you think is the point of putting a bunch of words in virtual space? The content is usually aimed at creating a perception of positivity around an object or notion. In other words, the point of creating web content is to sell it, to make it seem attractive to the target audience. While innumerable principles and maps can be drawn out to create content, selling it is one of the most important notion. So how then do you create this positivity or attraction without seeming dictatorial or desperate? Read on to find out how to hone your content into the sharpest persuasive arrow that will hit the target audience every single time.

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What is Content Writing?

Content writing is creating, publishing and governing of useful and usable content. Hence the content writer should be an expert in all aspects of communication to do this effectively. Now let us examine the many “aspects of communication”.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Web Content Writing

You are new to the world of Web Content Writing and baffled with the ever-changing techniques used by the search engines. In this situation, the most obvious thing you are going to do is to search for “Web Content Writing Tips” on the internet. A long list of results appears on the search engine. You are left more confused with this exhaustive list. Hmmm, what next? Let’s make your life easy… errr… web content writing easy with this quick guide.

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Content Writing Tips- A Peek Into The Mind Of An Online Reader

Oh you are writing for the web, easy peasy. We have heard this a million times. As if writing web content is cakewalk. It is no cake walk when you get to know how the readers read online. Online readers (including us) are mean. They do not care if you took your precious hours thinking about the right word. If the content doesn’t get to their heart in a matter of seconds, they honestly don’t care about what you have profoundly created as web content.

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Content Writing Tips: Why Your Online Content Fails?

By Ambika Indira

As a content writer, you are desperate to create content that grabs the attention of your reader. You have given your best efforts and churned the best copy, the best copy you have ever written. Yet, when it comes to traffic your content is a failure. If you have gone through this experience, go ahead reading the rest.

Why Your Online Content Really Fails?

Our experience says your content fails because it fails to connect with your reader emotionally.

Emotions! What kind of emotions are we talking about? How to bring in emotions to business content?

Well, we are talking about invoking any of the following three emotions of your reader:

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