10 Tips and Tricks for the Working Mom

Source: http://pixshark.com/juggling-mom-clipart.htm

Has it occurred to you that while are busy penning your content writing projects you are feeling that you are not able to give your kids enough time? Or, maybe the other way around? Being a mother is important, but that’s not your identity. So, it’s better to drop the guilt. All these years as a working mom have taught me that there cannot be a perfect balance. But, I have figured out to strike a chord of harmony with my personal life and work life.

Before I reveal you the tips and trick to bring in harmony, let me tell you that do not care about the identities defined by what you do or are to others. Focus on your potentials that have helped you to play all these roles at the same time.

Here are 10 Tips & Tricks for the Working Mom or the Work from Home Mom:

  1. Create a “to-do” list for the next day will help you to juggle between the various roles that you have to play. Include your personal as well as professional commitments. This will help you to prioritize your daily tasks and to get things done.
  2. Set time limits for each tasks or commitments. Your children, your hubby, your co-workers, your friends and above all YOU —all need your time. Schedule flexible boundaries for all. And in your “Me Time” indulge in what makes you happy: read a book, watch a movie, write a poem or a blog, paint, cook, dance, do yoga or listen to music.
  3. Try to figure out the time of the day when you are more productive and unproductive. Schedule those tasks that need special attention during the productive hours. And keep your “Me Time” for the unproductive hour when your body and mind actually needs a break.
  4. When you have PTMs, school re-unions or other social engagements to attend, do not feel pressurized to connect. Remember that these are “once-in-a-while appointments”, not an everyday ritual. Hence, get involved realistically; live those moments.
  5. J.K. Rowling said she wrote in cafes. This was the best way to put her baby to sleep by going out for a walk. In the same way, check your work e-mail while your children do their homework. You can pay your bills or fix an appointment with the doctor during your lunch hour at office. However, many working moms do not want to mix their work with their personal lives. The important thing is to find out what works for you.
  6. If you are a work from home mom, plan fixed hours for your work.
    The Supermom
    Source: http://www.happyworker.com/fun/supermom-with-the-sidekick-kid#.VPLKnS6PUa8

    It is always advisable to dress up when you work from home as this will keep you in an “office mindset”.

  7. Get your kids involved. This will make them self-sufficient. Further, you will get more time to spend with them, which otherwise would have spent in helping them with their chores.
  8. If you are a writer, develop the outline of your content writing project while you are making your kids do their homework.
  9. When you are working from home, take shorts breaks the way you take those traditional breaks at office. However, restrict the duration and frequency.
  10. Set aside fixed time for checking personal emails and social media networking. This will help you to keep yourself away from distractions.

So, these are my tips and tricks to balance work and life as a working mother. Now it is your time to identify what you want and fathom your needs and kiss guilt goodbye forever.

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