Content Writing Ingredient Two: Concept Speaks Louder Than Words

content writing tipsContent writing, even when done in the most error free manner, gives you two types of reading experience: the good and the clueless. The content of an article or blog post might be good, written in good language and not even the best language expert on earth can find a mistake in it. However, after reading the post you wonder… hmmm.… well… what is it about! Haven’t you come across pieces of writing that are lengthy, rich in language but leave you clueless? You sure have.

This cluelessness results from what we call ‘the absent concept’. In today’s post we will look at the second ingredient for successful content writing, namely, CONCEPT.

Concept, to put it simply, is the central point around which the content revolves. A good concept can do wonders to content writing. The concept you choose for your copy determines both the style and the direction of your writing. It weaves language and ideas together and presents your readers with a pleasant reading experience.

A strong concept gives your blogs, articles or web content three bonus points: clarity, coherence and consistency. For example, check this page.

When you write using a concept, your ideas and language turn lucid. Lucid writing wins the hearts of readers in no time. From lucidity comes clarity and clarity leads to coherence.

Concepts, when used wisely, give consistency to any form of content writing. Nothing impresses the readership that a consistent content writer. Quantity of words rarely matters in web content writing or blog writing. Concept, indeed, speaks louder than words.

However, a good concept has to be supplemented with another important content writing technique. Tomorrow’s post is about that technique. Watch out for more.

If you are looking for a content writer gifted with concepts, feel free to contact us.

Meera Moorkoth

Meera Moorkoth is one of the co-founders and the Creative Director of Coffeegraphy. Her areas of interest include creative writing, e-Learning and pedagogy, and travel writing.

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