Tips on Keyword Placement in Web Content Writing

freelance writer, content writer, web content writer, website content writer, content writing tips, wed content writing, website content writingImagine this scenario: You have written a great piece of content. You are excited about it and you still do not find it ranking very high on the Google pages. On the other hand, your colleague’s mediocre content is hogging the limelight by ranking at the top of the Google pages. You are baffled by the turn of events and wonder where you committed the mistake. The culprit is your keyword’s inconspicuous placement. Read on to know more about the keyword placement in web content writing.

Titles: The First Choice for Keyword Placement

Your content title is the most active place to position your keyword. Catchy title is among the first things that attracts readers to your content. Weave your primary keyword into the title in a natural style. Do not make it look like a forced entry. Title offers insight into what is coming up in the content below. It helps people to understand whether the article relates to what they want to know or not. Create a clear, crisp and relevant title that has the main keyword nicely knitted into it and your first job is done.

Sub-Titles: No Less Important for Keywords in Web Content Writing

Sub-titles help to keep the interest of your reader alive while they scan your content quickly. A sub-title highlights the point elaborated in the paragraph below it. Placing the keyword in the sub-title makes sense as the reader generally decides whether the content is relevant to his or her need or not after going through the sub-titles. Though it is not necessary to place the keyword in each and every sub-title of the content, positioning them in a few of the sub-titles does help matters. And of course, the rule of titles applies in this case too. Write the sub-titles in a clear and relevant manner with the keyword positioned agreeably.

Opening Sentence And Paragraph: Weave the Keywords Around them

The opening sentence of your content is an ideal location for the keywords. The introductory sentence must be constructed in a manner so that the keyword merges effortlessly into it. If the first sentence does not have the scope to introduce the keyword then make sure that the first paragraph of your content does have it. It is desirable that the keyword is presented in your web content writing as early as possible.

Content body: Interlace the Keywords Beautifully

The body of your content is the most essential part that elaborates on the information you are providing to the readers. Make sure that the keywords are beautifully interlaced with the content. The reader must get the idea that the piece has been written to provide him or her with the desired information. It must not come across as something that contains a barge of keywords placed forcefully. Blending the keywords in a natural manner throughout the content body is an art that every web content writer must possess. Make an effort to keep the keywords towards the upper part of the content body.

Concluding paragraph: Never Ignore the Keyword in Conclusion

As they say, “All’s well that ends well.” In web content writing the concluding paragraph plays a significant role. It sums up the whole essence of the content. Place your keywords in this section for visibility. If possible, use the keyword at the very last sentence of the content. But don’t forget to keep an eye on the relevance of the keywords while placing them.

Remember: Too Much of Anything is Bad

Always remember that you are writing the content for the reader and not for the search engines. Keywords must be placed strategically so that search engines rank your content high up in the relevant searches. But do not destroy the natural flow of the content by using too much of them. Make sure that you sprinkle them in a manner that is palatable to the readers. Else they may cringe at the content in irritation after reading it. Keyword density is as important as keyword placement, if not more. So, be sure about not using too much of the keywords and be sure about placing them at the proper places.

Once you bring about these changes in your content, go ahead and publish it. If you are still in doubt, contact us to create the right content with the perfect placement of keywords and we shall do that perfectly for you.

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