7 Tips to Write Interesting Articles for Boring Industries [Infographic]

Well, most of you might think the premise of this article is wrong. I can hear most of you muttering in disagreement: “You might not find an industry interesting, but someone else might.”

I agree with you. It indeed is difficult to define “boredom” with any degree of certainty. There is nothing called a boring industry, and hence there are no boring article topics. A company that runs a battery servicing, repair or production unit is sure to have customers interested in topics related to it; who are eagerly looking forward to reading articles or blogs a client is publishing.

The same goes true for a number of other topics. For instance, “how to deworm your cat” is not a topic you would die to read every day. But that exactly would be the article you search for when you have to deworm your little darling cat.

article writing tip

Boring article topics–do they exist?

Yes, they do. And I am talking on behalf of thousands of professional content writers out there whose job is to write articles on anything and everything. If you are a professional article writer and yet write only on topics that interest you, I call you lucky; and I envy you since this is a luxury many of us cannot afford; and this post is not for you!

There are writers who find certain industries boring. For instance, when I look for freelance article or blog writers, 50% of them refuse to take up projects on finance or real-estate; the rest bail out when I ask them to make the articles, engaging or interesting. Thus, from a writer’s point of view there are boring industries; and boring topics.

Yet, I feel it’s important that we, the sisterhood and brotherhood of professional content writers, should muster the courage to tame boring article topics.

Here is an infographic that will tell you how to write interesting articles even for the most boring industries. This infographic is based an old article we wrote sometime back: How to Write Engaging Articles for the Boring Industry

article writing tip infographic, article writing

Ambika Indira

Ambika Indira is one of the co-founders and the Managing Director of Coffeegraphy. She specializes in online content and SEO. She is a rigorous observer of the trends and changes happening in online content industry.

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